Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Yu-Gi-Oh Reference

Have you ever wondered about what happened to the Ultimate Great Moth? You know that huuge moth that was here and there just popping up every now and again to say "Hi I am a huge ugly moth here to spoil your day"..
By now you're mostly likely thinking "What is up with this girl?!"
I'll tell you..
Well.. you're wondering where this Ultimate Great Moth is right? Well I'll tell you....

I know from the picture it looks tiny but this little so and so is huge!
Seriously, I got home from college and it flys into my face, what the hell!??!?!!
Now it is doing what moths do and causlly chilling on my wall.. While I am sitting on the sofa plotting my revenege...

Haha.. even Atem is shocked about how huge this little .. thing is. Stop staring at it Atem, it will going get bigger!
So, yeah I am going to plot my revenge on this little fartface.. Maybe Bakura will help me.. Propberly not..

To the internet!

(Google - *types* 'how to kill a huge moth')

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Hi there!

So I went up to the libary yesterday to re-new the manga book and I was looking on the shelf for the next one and they don't have it.. Like with the Yu-Gi-Oh R they only had three of them... so it like leave me on a cliff hanger and I shall never find out what happens.. bit weird if you ask me.. I mean why would you do that! Egh.

Hehe.. In other news I wrote chp 19 on Friday and that was 3 hours after I updated.. so yeah I am definnatly updating this week.. Incase you are wondering there are only a couple a chapters left in Yugi's Obsession which I am sad by because I really enjoyed writing it. But hey, I have the new one to look forward to which is a posistive!

Stay Strong!

Friday, 25 May 2012

New Fic!

Hehe.. So I revealed the title of my new Fic today and I am excited about it! I will not say much but this fic sees the return of a character.. I am not saying which you'll have to think about that yourself. Evil, I know but (selfish statement) I like it when people who read my fics are thinking if you get my drift. I like hearing what you guys are thinking.
So, yeah this new fic will be released in late June as that is when I finish college.
Hehehe I am excited!!!


(Yes I made one of these again but I was bored and it was fun. Wow. Sound like Pegasus haha! Achievement!)

Thursday, 24 May 2012

I'm alive!

Yes I  know I haven't blogged in awhile but I have been stressed out!
I suffered from writers's block for the past few days which is why I was so quiet. But I'm good now and the chapter is almost ready for you guys tomorrow. Happy. Happy.
Also, once the chapter has gone up I shall reveal the next Fic's title on my Profile! Excited! I will 'anncounce' it on here as well but not for a few days..
Yeah, the next Fic is going to be worked on over the summer.. As from Early Julyish.. Excited!

Oh, I have to say. I am going away for a week in the frist week in June. Just so you know.

Ba Booom!


Monday, 21 May 2012

I'm bored...

I'm bored. I was going to write about the Manga but I haven't got the effort to read..
To make things worse I am stuck!! Not as in literally stuck I mean stuck on Chapter 18.. I have no clue where to take it.. I mean yeah I have a plan for it but I just can't find a way to get there.. *sighs*
Why do I find this cute?
Don't cry Yami! I'll find a way..
I've made him upset now... way to shoot off my big mouth...
He's making me cry now. Wah!

Yeap. I am so bored. And stuck. I need inspiration guys.. Arh. I'll find a way.



Sunday, 20 May 2012

Because I got bored, stupid and vain

Hmm. So I was really bored so I looked on the Internet for pictures for Atem and Yugi...
Then I had a really really bored and played around with the pictures matching them with the names of the two Fanfictions I wrote.. Here they are.. Obviously I take no credit for the pictures the credit goes to the wonderful artists who drew them.
So this one wasn't the first one I did.. that is a different story...

Anyway, I do like this picture and put those captions on becuase I am very vain.
In retro spect doing this was a very self centred thing to do but it was fun and personally think it looks quite good.
I did edit this picture a little.. not to much mainly the text and a little bit of something else..

And here's the other one....
Down.. that way.. hehe

This image took my an age to find and again I really like it!
It was the best one that suits to the story..
(I didn't edit this one at all.. except the text)
I only did this for fun and because I got extremely bored...

I have done one for my next fic but of course I am not saying anything. Zip!

Yeah, I'm bored. And it has gone midnight.. I should really think about going to bed..

Night guys!


Friday, 18 May 2012


I have an announcement!
Right. Firstly I am changing my update day to Friday evenings.. I think that it is a good way to end a week. How vain does that sound? So that means chapter 17 will be released in about an hourish...

Also, the long awaited title of my New fic will be announced when Chapter 18 of Yugi's Obsession is released... so next Friday. I will publish it on my FanFiction.net profile. This fic sees the return of a character. I am not saying which. I will leave you guys to think about it.. sorry!

And lastly.. well I don't have anything esle that was it. Umm. I saw Dark Shadows.. that Johnny Depp film? I quite liked it had a few good LOL moments in it.

So... I hope you are excited..
I'm sorry that sounded really vain.
Man, I keep digging a hole for myself
Have faith in yourself guys and never forget your strength!


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Manga time!!

Yo dudes!
I am bored so I came to talk to you guys because I love you guys!
Of course in the original manga someone has to be beaten up usually it's Yugi but sometimes Joey...
The one thing that has annoyed me is Tea. I really hate her character in both the Manga and the show, what her point? Anyway, Yami Yugi saves Tea/Anzu from some mad man who broke out of prison and now she is like "I wanna find the owner of that voice because I love him." I'm like dude seriously? You feel in love with a guy after he said "Let's play a game"...? Why? Seriously, she annoys the hell out of me.

In the second original manga the one thing that made me laugh was the fact that Joey was drawn with something in his mouth. It was like he was eating squid or something? He currently has a old type stuck round him. Yeap, that's Joey for you. These guys are beating him up and of course they have to beat Yugi up in the process... Now, Yami Yugi or Dark Yugi has come to get a pair of trainers back for Joey.. seriously Yami you have better things to be doing.. Yami stop!! Why are you playing a Yami no Game for a pair of trainers! Seriously.. Priories man.
Atem facepalm! Ah Yeah!
All that beating over a pair of trainers?
What do you achieve from that?
The statisfaction  that you can go "hahaha! I took a fist to the face for a pair of trainers.."
No. No. No.
You see.. Atem agrees with me.

In other news... well I don't have any? Except! .... Nope nothing.. I guess I shall be very British and say .. nope I am not even to say that...

Hey, I just meet you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe...
No. I don't like that song.
Muuuch better...


Sunday, 13 May 2012

I have done it again...

Guys.... someone should have stopped me.. I have done it again..
I've written the whole chapter.. and I was looking forward to writing it on Friday..
Well, I guess that means it won't be delayed but sersiouly what is wrong with me.. haha. Ah well.

Stop being happy.
I mean it.
Stop being happy... and cute.

Ah well.. I am just happy you guys get to read the chapter on Saturday or Friday.. either day really...
But someone should have stopped me.. because now I am writing the next chapter as well..

To YouTube so I stop writing!
Oh and remember.. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!


Somebody stop me!

Guys, I doing it again! Someone please stop me! Arh but I can't stop! Arh! Someone please stop me! I should be revising for my exam which is tommorrow but no I can't stop. Arrrh!
Please someone tell me to stop! Arrrrrh!
The urge to keep typing is to strong!
And stop typing!
Arrrrrrh nooooo I can't!!!!!

Somebody stop me!

Friday, 11 May 2012


It's Fri - No no no  let's not even go there you guys know how much that song annoys me..

Right, I have been reading the Manga and there is a picture of Yugi which is hilarious
This is amazing..
This is just amazing! Hahaha. I mean just LOL

It is just the most amazing picture of Yugi I have ever seen!

Seriously, I am going to be loling at this picture for a long time..


It is just too brilliant..

On another note chapter16 is finshed I just need to get myself to edit it.. Do it me! Do it!

Right! To Google Translate  for some editing!


Thursday, 10 May 2012

Sorry and Hiiii!!

I am sorry for not blogging for a while, I have been busy.. Please don't hate me! I love you guys!
Could I make it up to you guys by saying chapter 16 is ready to be published on Saturday? I hope so.

So I have kinda given up with the Yu-Gi-Oh R I go bored of it.. so I got the original manga out! I am talking the very first manga!
Yeeeah Budddy! I am actually so exited to read it!
Arh! I am too excited aha!

I have read the first 'chapter' and it bascially follows season 0 with a few minor changes.
But anyway the first thing I must say is that as soon as you open it you get a double page spread with Joey, Yugi and Tea. Yugi is walking well rather matching. Matching? Wait, why? Why are you matching Yugi? What do you gain from that? Ahh well that's Yugi for you cute and strange at the same time. T
Anyway, there is another small panel which has Yugi holding the Millenium Puzzle and his hands are HUGE! It looks like a bee as stung him..

As this is like season 0 Yami is rather creepy and evil..
Seriously, I'll be having nightmares... no not really but still! Creepy!
Although you can't really blame Yami he has been trapped in a puzzle for 5,000 or 3,000 years.

His eyes in this picture creeps me out.. he looks so scary!
But I don't care Yami is hoooot!

Right, dreaming time..
Keep you heads up high!


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Fanficiton.net problem

This is the only way I can tell you guys... but it's not a major problem.. well it is... basically I can't login in to FanFicition.net so if it seems like I am ingoring you if you have PM me it is only because I can't login in. Stupid secuity code would show up for me. Hopefully I will be able to login later, fingers crossed.

I am so frustrated about that.


Monday, 7 May 2012

Hehe Whoops..

So as I said on my last post I said that I had basically written the whole chapter last night.. well let's get say it is basically finished. Whoops. But oh well that means I don't have to delay it! Which is awesome!!!
I am not the only one who is happy about this..

 Yeap these Guys are petty happy about it as well.. although I don't know why Yami is wearing a birthday hat..

Oh! While I remember I have a challenge for you guys I have a picture from the Yu-Gi-Oh Movie.. I think it is the Pyramid of Light one but Anway the is a mistake in the snapshot..
So may challenge is tell me what the mistake is..
So what is the mistake??? I will not give you any clues but its a silly mistake..

Good Luck
Keep your heads up high!



Seriously guys what is wrong with me. It is 1am in the morning and I am awake! I wanted to start writing chapter 16 for a little while before I went to sleep but an hour later I am still awake and writing the chapter. I am going to be shattered in the morning. I want to stop but I can't find the right spot! At this rate I will finish the chapter tonight! Haha. I really hope not.. what else will I do during the week to de-stess because all my work.

Someone please tell me to sleep.


Sunday, 6 May 2012


So while I am looking for inspiration about college work, I literally cannot think of anything to write. I have looked at the old Fan Fictions I wrote. I never published them and I can assure you I never will, they are terrible.

 The thing that makes me cringe is how bad they really are! I'm reading going 'oh jeez did I really write that?'... I laugh at them because they are that bad! By now you guys are proberbly going "Give me an extract!!" no I won't they are honestly terrible..

This is what I am like while reading them..
I can honestly say that I am honestly sharing the same looks of Yugi, Tea, Tristan and Ryou at the moment..

And, yet I am still reading them...
Wish me luck guys...


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Saturday Banter!

I finally got round the reading the manga I have.. remember it's that Yu-Gi-Oh R one.. honestly now I only have one to read on it I am so grateful. If I am honest, I don't really like this one. I mean the others seem to make More sense and I am totally excited to read them!

But Yu-Gi-Oh R.. I don't know but it doesn't seem to make sense. I mean it is saying that Pegasus was dead but he's not? He shows up later on in the series? What....?

It is amusing though, Bandit Keith returns in full swear mood continuing to have a swear word after everything he is saying.. Joey punches people in the face, falls out of an air vent... (as you do..). It did have a huuge duel between Kaiba and this evil dude which literally took up most of the book. I did sort of lose interest halfway through meaning that I skimmed through it until it was over.

On another note, I hope you enjoyed chapter 15! It was hard to write but I somehow did, which makes me happy. Like I said at the bottom this week is going to be difficult. I have a mountain of work to do and very little time to do it so hopefully I will write chapter 16 for next Saturday but no promises.. I let you know on Friday (via here) if the chapter is ready.

Man, that was sad. Let's cheer you guys up!
What is up with his eyes?!

Yami has gone cross eyed! What the heck? It looks like he trying to see something on his eyebrows.. let's not lie. We have all done that, tried to see our eyebrows.. You guys haven't? Is it just me then? Oh, that's awkward.


Let's just pretend I said nothing. Hehe. EYEBROWS!
After that random outburst....
The cuteness!!
WHY SO CUTE!?!??!?!!??!!?!

N'aww little cute Atem stuck in a puzzle. N'awww.

Right I am going to have to go before the cuteness kills me...

Keep You Heads Up Guys!!


Well.. It's Saturday

Yeap, it's Saturday. To be honest I have woken on a Saturday in a better mood than today. Mah. But who cares! It's Saturday and you know what that means...... Chapter 15 is released. Incase you haven't seen I uploaded it about an hourish ago. (UK time) but I shall not say one word about it.. Sorry!

In other news I did manage to get up to my local libary to get the next Manga but I could only get one.. I couldn't get the last one as someone has got it out all ready.. As of yet I haven't read it but I will! Then discuss my findings.. that sounds a little odd. Findings? What I am finding? Hmm. Well I guess I'll find out soon..!

So, I guess I am going to have to start doing some college work after all I have a lot to get through. Grreat.

Keep your heads up!
Peace out!


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Complaining about Yu-Gi-Oh...

Yu-Gi-Oh has so many "Really..?" moments.
The first thing is the constant "Friendship" speech.. It's all like "Yeah, we are about to die but friendship will save us!" it's like no no no no that is not going to help! What friendship going to do? Give death the finger?

So, right now I am watching the duel between Yami, Kaiba and Dartz and Dartz has those knights which look like Yugi, Joey, Mai and Pegasus makes me think... whaaat? Ok so I get why Yugi is there it makes senses really and yeah maybe Pagasus and Joey to.. I can see the relevance but I'm like "what the cheeseball is Mai doing there?" Is she Kaiba's secret love or something?

And another thing! Is is just me or does Yami seem to narrate everything? I love Yami he and Yugi are my favourite characters but seriously STOP NARRATING! WE GET IT! Even Dartz tells Yami to stop narrating! OK.. so stop! No Yami! STOP! Oh jeez.

Man this is going to be a while.. Why is card games the answer to everything? I think that kind of explains itself. Why is even ever the the world is going to be destroyed then it's like "Oh! Let's play a card game!" Seriously.

Moving on to something funny.. When Kaiba says "Naaah" It is literally soo funny, he's like well... "Naaaaah"
Then there is Yami's face at one point he is like well this O0o , it is actually hilarious.

One last complaint. When Yami fuses two completely different monsters he is always and this is what's its called. I am really like "Whaaaat?!" One time Yami really needs to be like "Here's a new monster but as of yet it has no name..."

Still watching the Duel against Dartz... Hmm.. YAMI STOP NARRITING!

Hmp. I gotta to calm down before the Orichalcos takes me..
